Future Play - A Manifesto For The Future

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We reject the idea that children do not appreciate
the very finest work of the very finest artists.

We reject the idea that audiences do not perceive
quality; that work should speak to the lowest common denominator, who is usually an adult.

We reject the idea that there are areas of investigation
that are out of bounds in the context of art for children.

We believe that the more challenging the political
context, the more important it is to produce radical,
revolutionary, challenging art.

We believe that now is the time for risk. Now is the
time for bravery. Now is the time for ambition.

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Fevered Sleep_Men and Girls Dance_Malmö_2018_ David Thibel2.jpg

We believe now is the time for change.

We believe if we give up our rights to be brave, be ambitious, and take risks now, we will have an impossible struggle to win those rights back.

We want producers and programmers to make spaces
in which artists can be brave and ambitious.

We want artists to work harder than they ever work, in order to make their finest work, when they’re making work for children.

We want funders to do whatever they must to make
these things possible.

We believe we really have to love and value art.

And we believe we really have to love and value children.