Still Feeling Connected to the People that I Love, No Matter How Far Apart We Are - Carmen


Hope Newspaper by Fevered Sleep, Tower Hamlets 2021. Photo by Shingi Rice


We're creating a Hope Newspaper which will be distributed in our local area, Tower Hamlets, in East London. We spoke to a number of people we met in the street about how 2020 was for them, and what they had to be hopeful about.

I think it’s been a year when I’ve had to look in the mirror and not been able to look away and realised all the things that were wrong in my life.

Well not wrong, but just things that I wanted to change, and I have done. So in a way it has been a year of hope, even though it has been really hard.

It’s given me hope for the future I guess, just because I realised the things I wanted to change and I sort of started doing that.

Like moving here for example, and getting into screenwriting which is something I’d always dreamed of. Very different to what I’d done before, I studied politics, I didn’t enjoy it at all.

It’s a weird year to start making your dream come true but at the same time it makes it kind of special.

- Carmen

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