The Institute of Everything - Primary School Residency


What are the skills and dispositions our kids will need, in order to thrive in the future? And how can we create an environment that constantly fosters these skills and dispositions and is part of the culture of schools – a daily lived experience, not an optional add-on?

The Institute of Everything will be an exciting opportunity to create such an environment, through an extended partnership with a primary school in Yorkshire. We are planning to work with children in their school through a year-long research residency supported by the Wellcome Trust Sustaining Excellence programme.

We want to build a space to explore creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking, by giving young people the opportunity to think like professional artists and look to build young learner's competencies. The residency will also provide a unique professional development opportunity for teachers.

We are currently in the recruitment phase, and have invited a targeted number of schools to apply from York, Leeds and Wakefield.

Summer Term 2018:

The selected school will be on board by early in the summer term, initial meetings and conversations will take place in June and July with the children and teachers.

September 2108:

Ideas and plans will be developed and the residency will begin in earnest in September 2018 through to July 2019.

We are looking forward to finding out what is important to the children and how we can work together to help them articulate their ideas and explore new and creative ways of working.Who knows what we will find when The Institute of Everything opens its doors?

- Blog post by Clare Price